High Pressure Single Seat Valves are rugged, reliable and versatile pneumatically operated single seat valves designed for uninterrupted production in a variety of sanitation-critical applications. The bodies, plugs and actuators of these pneumatically operated control valves can be configured to meet virtually any requirement, resulting in a cost-effective solution that meets high standards of sanitation and aseptic compatibility.
Designed for easy maintenance and low cost of ownership
Fewer moving parts, reducing service requirements and inventory costs
Excellent cleanability - smooth body cavity eliminates crevices
Extended seal life due to seal compression
Static seal leakage detection helps ensure product safety
Double lip seal prevents bacterial contamination
For fluid isolation in sanitary processes. These valves are widely used in the food processing, beverage, dairy, personal care, brewery, brewery and pet product markets.
Pneumatic seat valves can be remotely controlled. The single seat valve can be configured as a globe or changeover valve with a variety of actuators (normally open, normally closed or two-step) for smoother operation, avoiding pressure spikes and/or tank overfill.
The range of single-seated valves is available in a wide range of options:
Actuators fully maintainable
High pressure actuators
Valve sensing and control devices
Fittings according to required standards
External surface finish
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Tel.: +86 571 8111 9774
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