Globe Valve For Flow Control

Globe Valves For Flow Control

Globe valves are used to regulate flow in pipelines and consist of a removable disc (also known as a plug) element and a fixed ring seat usually located in a spherical valve body. The inlet and outlet of the globe valve body are separated by an internal baffle. The baffle has an opening that forms a seat into which the removable disc/plug can be screwed to close (or shut off) the valve.

Common Applications

Globe valves are available in a variety of sizes (NPS 1/2 through 36) to provide users with high performance and reliability. They can help solve a variety of application needs from large to small, hot to cold, and general to severe.

Bonnets are available in a variety of styles to accommodate different application temperatures. These primarily include standard bonnets and optional extension bonnets that can be used to protect the packing when the valve is used in extremely hot or cold applications.

Special packing configurations are also available for applications where a packing system is required to keep fugitive emission concentrations below ambient standards.

Globe Valve For Flow Control

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